Excellent talk, well worth a look.

“So what does play do for the brain? Well, a lot.

Nothing lights up the brain like play. Three-dimensional play fires up the cerebellum, puts a lot of impulses into the frontal lobe — the executive portion — helps contextual memory be developed

the opposite of play is not work, it’s depression.”

Shipley Little Theatre

Three things must ye know about Shipley Little Theatre:

  1. It’s in Shipley.
  2. It’s quite small
  3. We’ve forgotten the third one. It’ll come to us though.

This is a holding page while Pete, our mighty web designer is away on tour. Fear not gentle viewer, there will be a proper webpage here soon. In the meantime:

  1. Yes we’re in Shipley but if you can get to us you’re welcome. Most of our members live in Shipley, Saltaire or Windhill but there’s no requirement.
  2. We’re not that small, not in experience anyway. We have a core membership with a wide range of abilities and experiences from professionally trained and working, to beginners. Everyone’s welcome and everyone’s included.
  3. We do theatre. Individually we’ve done a range of theatre from established classics to musicals to community pantos to new writing. As Shipley Little Theatre we intend to carry on that fine tradition.

And you are welcome to join us.


If you’d like to ask a question you can email us on mail@shipleylittletheatre.org.uk

And if you’re sitting there wondering if you should come to one of our beginner/improvers sessions then yes, yes you should. See you there.

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