Shipley Little Theatre is proud to announce that we will be doing Grimm Tales at Bradford Playhouse Studio. Thursday 14th – Saturday 16th November 2019.
Tickets now on sale from: 01274 – 800415
Shipley Little Theatre is proud to announce that we will be doing Grimm Tales at Bradford Playhouse Studio. Thursday 14th – Saturday 16th November 2019.
Tickets now on sale from: 01274 – 800415
Thank you very much to all who attended, Making Light is now fully cast and under rehearsal. First performance will be as part of the Saltaire Festival, then it’ll be on a celebratory tour of old Jack. Look out for us, we’ll keep you updated
300 years ago to the day (if the day happens to be the 15th August) a boy was born who would grow up to be a pioneer of the road network in Yorkshire. If you travel about Yorkshire to this very day you’ll have travelled on one of his roads. Adventurer, philanderer, wanderer, soldier; a man who walked from London to Yorkshire because it was quicker than catching the coach, who laid the paths of Yorkshires first modern roads, solving engineering challenges that had defeated previous generations of road builders, and who supervised the construction of his roads.
And who had been blind since childhood.
Eddie Lawler, in association with Shipley Little Theatre is proud to present “Making Light”, a remarkable story of “Blind” Jack Metcalf, a remarkable man, in this the year of his 300th birthday.
Performance dates:
September 2017
14 Thursday Saltaire, Caroline Club. Part of Saltaire Festival
16 Saturday Headingley, Heart Centre
23 Saturday Saltaire, St Peter’s Church
24 Sunday Knaresborough, Frazer Theatre
30 Saturday Leeds, Seven Arts
Rehearsals part-time weekly in Shipley area, days/time tba with cast.
Saturday 20th May noon to 3pm
Monday 22nd May 7 to 10pm
In the room upstairs in The Hop, Saltaire, 199 Bingley Rd, Shipley BD18 4DH
The intention is to cast 4 male and 4 female actors, each actor to play several parts.The work is unpaid, but travel to and from performance venues will be arranged where feasible. This is an opportunity to perform at Saltaire Festival as part of a bright new Shipley-based theatrical initiative, .
Please contact either SLT or Eddie to book a time, by email eddie@eddie-lawler.co.uk or phone to discuss 07891 254809
The thing with these website things is you need to update them or looks like you’ve gone away.
We haven’t gone away. Oh by giddy crikey we haven’t.
I’ll bang a longer more detailed post on here later, but for now we’re doing a pantomime! Written by local Shipley/Windhill writer Tina Palomar it’ll be her first ever performed work. That’ll be going on in the Kirkgate Centre in April. Still some parts going so if you’re interested get in touch.
Now the panto’s underway the small production group are hoping to do Waiting For Godot by Samuel Beckett. Arguably the greatest Absurdist play in the English language (and I know lots will disagree, and I also know it was written in French. With an Irish accent), that will be playing hopefully a number of venues around the Leeds/Bradford area in the autumn.
And (as if that wasn’t enough) we’re producing a new play by local writer Eddie Lawler for tour in autumn 2017. “Making Light” is the story of the remarkable “Blind” Jack Metcalf, who managed to be an 18th century rock god (on the fiddle), entrepreneur, ladies man, adventurer and road builder, all while being blind. It’s an extraordinary tale of an extraordinary man in this the year of his 300th birthday.
And the Tuesday meets are carrying on. Please don’t forget, 7pm every Tuesday, target donation for room hire about £3, there’s a workshop led by a variety of very good workshop leaders then a bit of a social (purely voluntary) afterwards.
Everyone welcome from beginners to the very experienced.
See you there!
We have got to get on top of this website malarkey. Ok, first season down and what’s emerging is a rather lovely group. It’s not finished, I want to see more people involved, but the ones we have are supportive and energetic. We have a range of people from complete beginners to professionals and they’re all working beautifully together. Good people.
Please note there is NO SESSION on the 27th December or the 3rd January. We’ll be back on the 10th Jan.
Next year is going to be busy. The AGM is coming up, there are projects we’re committed to and projects we want to try. It adds up, so if you feel like getting involved there’ll be plenty for you to do.
And we will definitely post more here.
In the meantime though Merry Christmas! And a peaceful and pleasant New Year. See you soon.
We need photos. Photos are good. In the meantime we had our 6th meeting! Amazing how it flies. I have to say people are coming together well. Very well, I can only hope this energy continues.
We’ve been offered a very good panto, and a very good play by a local writer. All we need now… all we need now is rehearsal space. All this potential, all this energy and as of today nowhere to put it. We’ll find somewhere though. We’ll find somewhere.
In the meantime the open workshops are every Tuesday. They’re fulfilling their purpose; it’s a place for new people to join where they can jump straight in instead of having to wait possibly months for the gap between productions. It’s a meeting ground for the whole company, very important to stop different casts coming adrift of each other. It’s a place where actors can learn to work together, gaining a familiarity with each other they can take forward into productions. It’s a place where directors can get to know the actors. Our auditions are open, but in the end if the actor and director have a working relationship, then that’s an advantage, can’t deny it. If you want to be cast it will help to get to a Tuesday. Everyone is welcome from beginner to experienced.
We must take some photos.
It went very well, thank you everyone who turned up. If you’re reading this wondering if you should turn up then I have to say definitely. The energy was good, people worked well together, and the experienced people and the beginners worked superbly together. All went well. And we had an amazing lightning storm in the middle of the session. I’m going to take that as an omen. Of something. Born in a lightning storm.
Tomorrow… tomorrow I would love to have time to get laminated signs up saying the session doesn’t start ’til 7pm. The sign on the door says 6.30 because that’s when we can get in to start setting the room up. Turn up at 6.30 and you’re welcome, but you’re helping us shift tables. Session starts at 7pm. It doesn’t matter if you’re late, not on a general session. Come rehearsals and you’ll damage your own experience and that of other people by turning up late, so don’t do it. In a general session though, it’s going to be very rare that it’s a problem. Turn up.
The ramped entrance is to the left of the main door. It’s not obvious, a sign would be a good idea.
A kettle! Trish (and I think Tina) brought lots of tea and coffee, and we had no kettle. So yes, ok, kettle.
Programme wise, fingers crossed that the people who came stay with us. This gives us a broad range of skills and experiences, which is great for the beginners, and we’ll have to see what the experienced group want to do. Personally I’d like to have a go at some fairly modern classics; Ionescu, Albee would be sadly topical. I’m shamefully lacking in my knowledge of world theatre, this would be a great chance to expand my horizons a bit. I’d like work by new playwrights and female ones.
That’s the lovely thing about having strength in depth, we can take on more than one project and we can explore many different forms. And it’s all good.
Hey guess when our first public meeting is?
Yes, the first public meeting will be in the very marvellous Kirkgate Centre, just up the road from the Wilco’s, opposite the Town Hall, 2 mins walk from the market square bus stops, 10 minutes walk from Shipley train station, on Tuesday 13th September, 2016 at 7pm. Following that there’ll be an open workshop every Tuesday. The aim is to create a meeting place for the entire group that is enjoyable and useful. Remember that complete beginners are welcome as well as the more experienced people. Experience good, enthusiasm better. If this is something you did years ago and want to get back into you’re welcome. If you’ve never done this before but always wanted to you’re welcome.
See you there.
Excellent talk, well worth a look.
“So what does play do for the brain? Well, a lot.
Nothing lights up the brain like play. Three-dimensional play fires up the cerebellum, puts a lot of impulses into the frontal lobe — the executive portion — helps contextual memory be developed
the opposite of play is not work, it’s depression.”
Three things must ye know about Shipley Little Theatre:
This is a holding page while Pete, our mighty web designer is away on tour. Fear not gentle viewer, there will be a proper webpage here soon. In the meantime:
And you are welcome to join us.
If you’d like to ask a question you can email us on mail@shipleylittletheatre.org.uk
And if you’re sitting there wondering if you should come to one of our beginner/improvers sessions then yes, yes you should. See you there.